Monday, February 20, 2017

Sqoop Import RDBMS Table into HDFS

  • Before moving the RDBMS Table data from Relational data base to Hadoop HDFS, We need to ensure whether table along with the data exists or not.
  • use SQOOP IMPORT to import the Relational table data into HDFS.
For example:

Practical Steps

Let us practically try with an example for this scenario.
Step 1: Log in to Mysql database:
Step 2: Create a Database called StudentInfo.
Step 3: Use the newly created Databases
step 4: Create a table called student in Mysql
step 5: Insert values into student using Mysql INSERT command and then using select check whether the values are properly inserted or not.
Step 6: Use SQOOP IMPORT to import the above RDBMS table into HDFS
Use the following SQOOP IMPORT command :
You can see the SQOOP Import execution like something below.
Now let us see the output on our Command shell:

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